Children are highly curious and ask lots of questions. As a parent who has a troubled child, convincing them to undergo therapy can be difficult. Just like adults, kids too do have problems of their own. These affect their thoughts, actions, and feelings. However, seeking help from a children therapist will go a long way towards getting your loved little one back to normalcy. Now that you have decided to seek help from a counselor, the next task is to explain to the child what the appointment with the Wake Forest children therapist entails.
Preparation – lay the foundation
You must have had several incidences in the past where your child freaked out. To avoid a repeat of similar chaos, you need to prepare the child. Explain to your son or daughter, nicely, that the visit is of great importance to their overall health. Share with them details such as the name of the Wake Forest counselor, the location of their office and how long the appointment will last. If it is a small child, raise hopes by telling them that the counselor’s office has got lots of toys. However, do not promise things that the child will not find at the therapy center.
Compare the visit to a familiar one made in the past
Perhaps you recently went with your child to the dentist or a general physician. At first, your little one might have been scared but eventually took things in their stride. A Wake Forest children therapist should not be any different. Explain to your son or daughter that the visit you are about to make is like the one made recently to a doctor. Go further and let your child understand that the counselor is there to help eliminate the trouble. Compare the benefits by using an example of when your child had a toothache. Did you not visit a dentist?
Let the child know that you are with him or her
Children always feel comfortable when they are with a parent or sibling. Assure the child that of your love and support. Also, inform them that you had spoken with the Wake Forest counselor a few days earlier and had gotten an assurance that all shall be well. If you know of another family member, who has had a similar experience, mention it. Confide in your child that you trust the therapist to give you ideas and ways to correct the problem at hand. By encouraging your boy or girl, you will be helping them overcome feelings of being singled out.
Children can surprise you in many ways. They too feel brave when mom or dad is by their side during their best and worst moments. Children therapists help in dealing with problems associated with health, bullying at school or issues at home. Parents know the importance of preparing children for situations that lie ahead. Therefore, make the ground and guide your child on what to expect during therapy. Use examples of recent visits to other medics. Most importantly, assure the child of your support.