A bunion problem is a bony lump somewhere at the base of the big toe that develops over time. Bunions can form for a variety of reasons. Wearing ill-fitting shoes, for example, is the most common cause of bunions.
Women are usually more likely to get bunions as they wear very tight shoes and heels, reducing the amount of space between their toes. As a result, the joint of the big toe experiences greater pressure, causing it to eventually protrude outward and create a bunion. Bunions can also be caused by heredity.
Bunions have more chances to develop in your life if any one of the parents has them. Bunions can also be caused by a congenital foot malformation or an injury.
So, what should you do if you have been told you have got a bunion? While most people having bunions can relieve their pain and discomfort by wearing the right shoes and adjusting their lives, these practices are not always adequate.
If your bunions have grown so painful and huge that they are interfering with your everyday activities, a foot and ankle specialist Orange County may provide you surgical relief to address this common foot abnormality.
Another option is stem cell treatment. These are cells that can divide and develop into other cells throughout early development in our human body. The ability of the cells to multiply and differentiate is the difference between such therapy and other embryonic stem cell research.
Embryonic stem cells are able to differentiate into any form of cell in our human body, and they can divide indefinitely to restore other cells in certain living creatures. Adult stem cells have limited ability to become different cells and are more difficult to come by in big quantities.
Adult stem cells can be delivered into damaged tissue present in our body as part of any stem cell therapy to treat a variety of diseases and injuries. Because the newly implanted stem cells may replace, proliferate, and rejuvenate damaged tissues and cells, this sort of therapy is now being investigated for a variety of illnesses and conditions.
Those scientists who support this treatment argue that it is non-invasive and has a low risk of rejection and negative effects. However, more research is required to completely comprehend the activity of the cells following transplantation.
Is it the right time to go for bunion surgery?
Most often this question is asked by many patients. They are frequently unsure whether their bunion complaints warrant surgery. The following are some indicators that it is time to consult with an Orange County wound care and foot specialist regarding bunion surgery:
- Now you are dealing with constant or severe foot pain
- Now your bunion is limiting your regular activities
- You are now experiencing severe and also persistent swelling
- Your bunion is too large
- It has become quite painful for you to wear any shoes or even to walk
- Your big toe is now crossing over your smaller toes
- Prescription or over-the-counter painkillers are not at all effective in relieving your pain
- Your life quality has diminished because of your bunion
- Also, home care is not good enough in managing your symptoms
What will happen during bunion surgery?
A foot surgeon is going to choose the most appropriate surgical approach for you. For example, you may require surgery in which your specialist removes the bunion and thereafter realigns your ligaments, tendons, or muscles surrounding it.
Your foot surgeon may remove the bone and relocate ligaments and tendons if you have got a moderate bunion. A surgeon must remove a portion of your toe bone for aligning it in a complex bunion procedure. Ligaments and tendons will also be repositioned by the surgeon.
If you have got an arthritic type of big toe joint issue or a bunion, then your surgeon may decide to fuse your joint together so that it can heal and you don’t experience discomfort while moving it. For big toe reconstruction, foot surgeons may utilize a metal implant.
How will bunion surgery be performed?
Bunions can be corrected using a variety of surgical procedures, which your foot specialist at wound care Orange County is going to discuss with you while evaluating your problem. There are several methods for repairing this deformity, and all include moving the malformed joint back into your right alignment to relieve discomfort and enhance the foot’s mobility and usefulness.
This surgical technique is done using IV sedation and local anesthetic. The treatment can take anywhere from 45 minutes to 3 hours, based on a variety of criteria such as the degree of the abnormality and the approach used by the doctors.
The professional podiatrists in Orange County can help you with everything from individualized bunion treatment regimens to minimally invasive surgery for bunion so you can keep living the life that you want. You can book an appointment with one of the podiatrists in Orange County to see if it is the proper time to contemplate bunion surgery.
Scientists are always inventing hypotheses about stem cells, and also research is ongoing, however, stem cell research these days for foot care is more frequently acknowledged, and it may one day be a realistic option for painful problems. Continue to speak with your podiatrist to know how to best manage your foot problems until then.